Vulnerable Sector Check Information (Huron-Bruce Minor Hockey)

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The OHF has created a new system for vulnerable sector checks going forward.

An OPP vulnerable sector check(VSC) is good for 3 years. Therefore if you have completed a VSC in the last 3 years, please upload a pdf copy following these steps.

Step 1 - follow these steps for a coach that already is connected with a Spordle account and HCR account 

Step 2 - After you have your HCR number, following the instructions on the OHF screening submission for and document upload process

Once you have complete this it will take ~3-4 days to be approved and added to your HCR account. Please check your account and contact us here when it has been completed/approved and added to your HCR account.

If you have not completed a Vulnerable Sector Check, or your previous VSC has expired, you will need to complete the following steps for a new VSC.

Step 1 - Complete the Vulnerable Sector Check letter here.

Step 2 - Complete the vulnerable sector check online on the OPP website here. This is free for volunteers.

Step 3 - Once you have received your approved results, upload your VSC pdf copy to the OHF screening portal.