The Future of Minor Hockey - Information Meetings, News (Huron-Bruce Minor Hockey)

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Feb 18, 2024 | Kelly Thomson | 5471 views
The Future of Minor Hockey - Information Meetings
In September, the WOAA announced it has been working on a proposal for a 2 year trial of 'A' Rep hockey in the WOAA.  To do this, it would include the reorganization of Representative hockey in the WOAA.  This reorganization would establish 6 'zones' in the WOAA.  The approach to zones will avoid the need for amalgamation that has been the trend in the OMHA for the past decade or so.

February 1st, the OMHA also announced that all minor hockey associations in the OMHA will be considered 'B' centres for 2024-2025.  There will still be a 'Tiered' playoffs, but this will eliminate 'C' and 'D' classifications going forward.

In February the WOAA took their proposal to the OMHA and they approved the proposal to begin a 2 year trial in the 2025-2026 season.  There will be 6 zones, but they've not yet been settled.  The goal of the WOAA is to make the zones as equal as possible.  This will affect the U10 age group to U18 ages.  The local league will remain under Huron Bruce Blizzard and there will be no changes to those teams or leagues.  The Zones will have an executive board made up equally from the Minor Hockey organizations that are part of and choose to participate in the trial.  They will be operating under a Memorandum of Understanding for the trial period and will set the terms for evaluations, coaches selections, rules of operation, budget and ice time allocation for the Zone teams.  Huron Bruce will still have jurisdiction of our programs U9 and down, U21 and our Local League teams.

The structure proposed will see a three 'Rep' teams in each age division.  So instead of mixed teams there would be a Major and Minor 'A' division team and then a mixed age 'B' team competing in a separate loops. 

We would like to provide a forum to answer questions to our membership.

February 20th in Lucknow Arena meeting room at 7pm 
February 27th in Ripley Arena meeting room at 7pm

For more information, please see the articles linked below. 

OMHA Information Bulletin
OMHA Future of Minor Hockey


Joe Scott
Huron Bruce Minor Hockey