Vaccine Requirements as of November 1st, 2021, News (Huron-Bruce Minor Hockey)

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Oct 31, 2021 | Kelly Thomson | 7851 views
Vaccine Requirements as of November 1st, 2021
A reminder about the Vaccine Requirements as of November 1st, 2021

For those registered in OMHA (boys/mixed programming)
  • All Affected Persons are required to be Fully Vaccinated (i.e.: including the 14-day period after receiving their completed dose) by October 31, 2021 or earlier. All Affected Persons must present to their Association designate, as applicable, evidence satisfactory to the OMHA demonstrating that they have received the completed series of an Accepted COVID-19 Vaccine
This policy applies to the following Affected Persons 
  • Players born in 2009 or earlier 
  • Team Officials (Coaches, Trainers and Managers, etc.) 
  • Game Officials (referees, linespersons, timekeepers, etc.) 
  • Volunteers 
  • Instructors (third parties engaged by Associations or Teams to provide specialized instruction (e.g., power skating, goaltending coaching) 
For those registered in OWHA (Girls)
  • It is mandatory, as a condition of eligibility to participate in any OWHA-sanctioned activity, that everyone born in 2009 and earlier must be fully vaccinated (2 shots plus 14 days) as soon as possible and by no later than November 1, 2021. This includes all players, staff and volunteers, including coaches, trainers and officials. The only exemption from this requirement is for two specific medical reasons. The full policy reflecting these rules is posted on the OWHA’s website.
We know these are all very confusing times and we are trying our best to maneuver through it and understand the new rules. Please understand these rules are dictated to us from the OMHA and we must follow their rules in order to have a successful season. 
Thank you for your cooperation.
The Huron-Bruce Minor Hockey Association Executive