For any coach whose certification expired as of 08/31/2020, you must re-certify ASAP. If this is not done, we won't be able to get rosters approved for this season.
Please follow this link:
From here, access your LOCKER. Once logged in, go to E-LEARNING.
There are two ways from here; you can either add points to your profile by taking e-learning courses and also adding the years you have coached (up to 5 points can be added this way).
OR go to Make Ethical Decisions (MED) Online Evaluation (find this on the left side of the screen). This takes about 30 to 45 minutes. You must pass it in your first two tries or else you will have to pay.
Once complete, please let Denise Angst know via email:
[email protected]
This website is not linked with Hockey Canada and must be updated manually.
If you have questions, please contact Denise Angst.
Thank you.