TEAM & BUBBLE PLAY UPDATE, News (Huron-Bruce Minor Hockey)

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Nov 09, 2020 | Steve Howard | 5178 views
Great news! Transition to 4-on-4 and 3-on-3 will start within the next couple weeks versus Kincardine Minor Hockey, Walkerton Minor Hockey Association and South Bruce Minor Hockey Association in various tiered bubbles. The official start date for 'bubble play' is December 1, 2020. 

With these changes, some team compositions will be changing to meet the OMHA rules on roster size that takes affect November 15, 2020. Please look for emails from your coach/managers, as team names will be changing and each team will have a new ice schedule.

We understand this has been an ever changing season, but we appreciate your patience as we get the kids playing some games wearing the new "Blizzard" jerseys.

Please speak to an executive member if you have any questions or concerns.


It is extremely important that we ALL follow and adhere to the COVID-19 protocols that have been set by the arenas.

We have received complaints from the arenas, but also from other parents asking why kids are running around in the arena and the capacity is more than 25. It is up to the person doing the screening to monitor how many people are coming in. If the number is over 25 or the parent feels there are too many kids, and parents who aren't obeying the rules, they are to find the arena staff member and that person will ask people to leave. If parents have extra kids, they will have to wait in their vehicles, play outside or go home during practice. We cannot keep letting this happen because the arena could get a fine from Public Health if caught. 

Once games begin, one parent per one skater will be enforced 100%. We have to guarantee the other town can have one parent in to watch their player. We cannot exceed 25 spectators with both teams. We understand this is tough, but in order to have any sort of a season, we must follow this rule

A reminder that masks are mandatory, even for players in the hallway, entering the arena, etc.

Players and coaches are NOT permitted outside of their change rooms until the ice is cleaned and ready. Please DO NOT wait in the hallway or on the bench. People are breaking this rule and have been told by arena staff to go back to their change rooms. If it keeps happening, there will be repercussions.

Again, this is a challenging year for everyone and we ask for your patience and cooperation as we work through this season.


Screening Volunteers

Thank you to all of the volunteers who are assisting with screening at the entry ways. To have things run as smoothly as possible, the procedure below MUST be followed:
  • One participant and parent should show up 30 minutes prior to their ice time and will be let in to get set up. Please have the volunteer arranged ahead of time.
  • 15 minutes before the ice time, that volunteer will unlock the front door and allow participants and one parent/guardian per participant in. 
  • Each person MUST BE screened (This includes EVERYONE entering the building).  There is a print off of the questions, which each person can read verbally answer, or a group can be asked and answer.
  • Ensure all persons sign in. Sign in sheets will be on the table at the entrance.
  • Once all participants are in, the front door needs to be locked.
  • Lastly, at 30 minutes into their ice time (30 minutes before the next ice time, if applicable), let the next group’s volunteer in to start this process for their group.
Thanks, again, for respecting and abiding by the arena policies so Huron-Bruce Minor Hockey can continue with its 2020-2021 season.

Disclaimer: Due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, changes may occur at any time. The Huron-Bruce Minor Hockey Association will make every effort to keep our membership up-to-date as changes arise.
