Ice is now in the Lucknow Arena. Teams will continue to practice in Lucknow for two weeks, from September 28th to October 11th. Each team is guaranteed two ice times each week.
UPDATE: The previous Atom Girls slots are now open and available. Please contact
Steve Howard if you want to use this ice.
Revised ice schedule:
HBMHA 2020 Ice Schedule - Lucknow, Sept.28-Oct.11
After these two weeks, we will be using both the Lucknow and Ripley Arenas. A full ice schedule will be released in the coming weeks. Your coaches and/or liaisons will update you via email. If you have questions about team composition, please contact the liaisons for your age group. These can be found on our Executive Members page:
Executive & Staff Thank you for your patience as we work to organize the 2020-2021 Hockey Season.
Disclaimer: Due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, changes may occur at any time. The Huron-Bruce Minor Hockey Association will make every effort to keep our membership up-to-date as changes arise.