Sep 04, 2019 | Steve Howard | 567 views
All 2019-2020 bench staff are reminded that Affiliate Player (AP) forms and changes
to their respective rosters take time to process fully. After Mike Smith signs a form(s), it/they are uploaded to the Hockey Canada Registry and it usually takes the WOAA a few days to
review and approve.
We will make sure the rosters are done quickly
after tryouts, but last year we had several AP requests and/or roster changes
for games that were taking place within 48 hours of submission. This cannot be the case for the 2019-2020 season. Please submit your rosters with AP forms as soon as possible.
The WOAA states on their website that they need up to twelve (12) business days
to process requests, so the more lead-time coaches can provide, the better.
Refer WOAA By-Law No.6, Part 4, Section J